
What Is Template Name In Ebay

eBay Templates
OpenBay Pro > eBay > Dashboard (Templates)

Build your descriptions, insert product videos, links to customer reviews, and countless possibilities for your items. HTML templates are an astonishing manner to make your listings look more professional person by using a standard layout, your brand colours, logos and more. The templates also back up tags that allow you to dynamically create almost any information you want in the list description.

The eBay Listing Templates page can be found past navigating to OpenBay Pro > eBay > Dashboard, and click the Templates button.

Creating a template

To create a new template, click the Add New button at the top right of the folio. Requite your new template a name and enter your HTML code. Y'all can include our custom tags in your lawmaking – for a list of available tags, run across the Standard listing tags section below. When you lot take created your template, click the Save push at the top right of the page

Editing a template

To edit a template, click the Edit button next to the template proper noun you wish to change. You can and so modify the HTML code as required. When you take completed your changes, click the Save button at the top correct of the folio or if you lot do not wish to retain your changes, click Abolish.

Electric current eBay Listings unaffected

Please notation that changes to a template volition only affect new eBay listings and have no effect on listings created from the previous version of the template.

Deleting a template

To delete a template, click the Delete button next to the template proper name you wish to remove. Please note that removing a template will be permanent.

Current eBay Listings unaffected

Please note that deleting a template has no outcome on listings already created from the template.

Assigning a default template

Navigate to OpenBay Pro > eBay > Dashboard, and click the Profiles button.

Either edit or create a new Template & Gallery profile.

Under the Template tab, choose your Default template from the listing, which contains all the templates created in the Templates area. After saving the contour, any new eBay listings created with this contour will automatically use the default template gear up here.

Images in templates

If you wish to use images in your template that volition class part of the layout, such as a banner or logo, etc, then to reference these images you will need to use the full image URL. For example:

This would look similar the following within your <img> tag.

<img src="" alt="My Prototype" />

You will demand to ensure that you replace spaces in the URL with %20.

JavaScript in templates

Please be aware that eBay no longer allows active content such as JavaScript, Flash, plug-ins and form actions in its listings so this volition not exist rendered in listings.

Template testing tool

To help designers/developers create templates for OpenBay Pro, we created a template testing tool. This allows you to exam how your template will wait when populated with your product data without having to log into your website and become through the listing process each fourth dimension you want to exam your pattern.

To admission the tool, Log into your OpenBay Pro business relationship (or Register) and under the eBay menu option, select Template tester.

If you have an eBay account registered to your account then the token and secret volition be populated for you, if not then you lot will demand to copy and paste these into the Template tester course as shown below.

The gallery options allow you to change the default epitome sizes for the demo products. They will default to 400 x 400 pixels for the gallery and 100 x 100 pixels for the thumbnails. If you enter different values in the input boxes, then the images in the template will use your sizes instead.

Copy and paste your template code into the text area. You volition see that your template code is highlighted in different colours, making information technology easier to read and make minor changes if required. When set up to examination your template, click the Exam push and wait for it to load. If your template renders ok and then a green message volition appear with the link to your HTML file. Click this link to come across your template in activeness!

If your template renders ok, a greenish message will appear with the link to view your template. Click this link to come across your template in action!

If your template does non render properly, you may receive an error, which you lot will need to gear up earlier trying once more.

Your template may render ok but still not look as yous had expected. After removing any problem code or tweaking your design, return the template again past clicking the Exam button.

Standard listing tags

Variable: name

Blazon: Cord


<p>{{ name }}</p>

Description: This will add together your eBay listing championship.

Variable: description

Blazon: Cord


<p>{{ description }}</p>

Description: This is your main description content.

Variable: return_policy

Type: String


<p>{{ return_policy }}</p>

Description: This is the same information as you lot ship to eBay in your returns description.

Variable: payment_instruction

Type: String


<p>{{ payment_instruction }}</p>

Description: This is the same information every bit you transport to eBay in your payment description.

Variable: attributes

Type: Array


{% for aspect in attributes %}    <p>{{ attribute.proper name}}</p>    {% for att in attribute.attribute %}       <strong>{{ att.proper name }}</strong>       <p>{{ att.text }}</p>    {% endfor %} {% endfor %}

Description: This will get all of the product attributes for the product.

Variable: img_tpl

Type: Array


{% for image in img_tpl %}    <img src="{{ image }}"> {% endfor %}

Clarification: This object contains links to all the images part of your eBay listing.

To obtain a unmarried URL from the object yous must use the Twig attribute function, i.due east.

{{ attribute(img_tpl, 0) }}

The above code volition output the first image URL in the object. If yous need a dissimilar image change the number.

Variable: img_tpl_thumb

Blazon: Assortment


{% for image in img_tpl_thumb %}    <img src="{{ image }}"> {% endfor %}

Clarification: This contains links to thumbnails of all the images part of your eBay listing.

To obtain a single URL from the object you must utilise the Twig attribute function, i.e.

{{ aspect(img_tpl_thumb, 0) }}

The above code will output the beginning image URL in the object. If you need a different image modify the number.

Variable: shop_categories

Blazon: String


{{ shop_categories }}

Description: Injects an HTML menu structure using JavaScript based on your eBay shop categories. You must have an eBay shop and exist on a paid OpenBay Pro plan to use this tag. Y'all need to use CSS to control the construction created below:

<div id="shop-categories">   <ul>     <li>       <a href="">Category 1 name</a>       <ul>         <li>           <a href="">Child ane category proper noun</a>           <ul>             <li>               <a href="">Kid-kid category name</a>             </li>           </ul>         </li>         <li><a href="">Child ii category name</a></li>       </ul>     </li>     <li><a href="">Category two proper name</a></li>     <li><a href="">Category 3 name</a></li>   </ul> </div>

Variable: shop_navigation

Blazon: Cord


{{ shop_navigation }}

Description: Injects an HTML menu structure using JavaScript based on your eBay store custom pages. You must have an eBay shop and be on a paid OpenBay Pro plan to use this tag. Y'all need to employ CSS to control the structure created below:

<div id="store-pages">   <ul>     <li>       <a href="">Folio 1 proper noun</a>       <a href="">Page ii name</a>     </li>   </ul> </div>          

Variable: product_info.model

Type: Cord


<p>{{ product_info.model }}</p>

Clarification: The product model number.

Variable: product_info.toll

Blazon: String


<p>£{{ product_info.price|number_format(2, '.', ',') }}</p>

Description: The product price.

This format will show the price with a British pound sign, to ii decimal places, and with a k comma separator.

Variable: product_info.sku

Type: String


<p>{{ product_info.sku }}</p>

Description: The product SKU.

Variable: product_info.upc

Type: String


<p>{{ product_info.upc }}</p>

Description: The product UPC.

Variable: product_info.ean

Type: String


<p>{{ product_info.ean }}</p>

Description: The product EAN.

Variable: product_info.january

Type: String


<p>{{ product_info.jan }}</p>

Description: The product Jan.

Variable: product_info.isbn

Type: String


<p>{{ product_info.isbn }}</p>

Description: The production ISBN.

Variable: product_info.mpn

Type: Cord


<p>{{ product_info.mpn }}</p>

Clarification: The product MPN.

Variable: product_info.location

Type: String


<p>{{ product_info.location }}</p>

Description: The production Location.

Variable: product_info.manufacturer

Blazon: String


<p>{{ product_info.manufacturer }}</p>

Description: The product manufacturer.


Blazon: String


<p>{{ }}</p>

Description: The products original proper noun on your website.

Variable: product_info.tag

Type: String


<p>{{ product_info.tag }}</p>

Description: The product tags.

Variable: product_info.weight

Type: Decimal


<p>{{ product_info.weight }}</p>

Description: The production weight unit.

Variable: product_info.weight_class

Type: String


<p>{{ product_info.weight_class }}</p>

Description: The product weight form (kg, thou, lbs etc).

Variable: product_info.length

Blazon: Decimal


<p>{{ product_info.length }}</p>

Description: The production length.

Variable: product_info.width

Blazon: Decimal


<p>{{ product_info.width }}</p>

Description: The product width.

Variable: product_info.height

Type: Decimal


<p>{{ product_info.elevation }}</p>

Description: The product height.

Variable: product_info.length_class

Blazon: Decimal


<p>{{ product_info.length_class }}</p>

Description: The product length class (cm, mm, m etc).

Variable: product_info.product_filters

Blazon: Array


{% for filter in product_info.product_filters %}   {{ filter.filter_id }} - {{ }} - {{ }} {% endfor %}

Clarification: Access any product filters assigned to the production. *Available on 2.0+ versions but.

What Is Template Name In Ebay,


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